Any course with a passing grade (A, B, C, DÂ or PA) is successfully completed.
Any course with a non-passing grade (F, W, WA, FX, R, RG, IN, ING, AU, or M) is not successfully completed.
- Incomplete (IN,ING), Missing (M) and Research (R,RG) grades: These are not completed until the final grade is submitted, in accordance with university grading policy.
- Withdrawal grades (W, WA, and FX): These negatively impact completion rate and maximum timeframe. W and WA grades are not calculated in GPA, but an FX is calculated in the GPA as an F.
- Pass grade (PA): PA grades are not calculated into your GPA. If you are below the required GPA and you are on SAP warning, probation, or SAP academic plan, you must take letter-graded courses to improve your GPA. Aid may be suspended the following term if your GPA does not meet minimum SAP requirements. Students on probation or an academic plan should refer to their GPA requirement at Campus Connect > Financial Aid tile > View My FA Academic Progress.